DIM1HEALTH Infectious Diseases Symposium

DIM1HEALTH infectious diseases symposium "Infectious diseases in a changing world"

12 October 2022

Ecole Vétérinaire de Maison Alfort

This symposium will provide an opportunity to review the Dim One Health activities and will present the questions raised by the Dim One Health 2.0 during two half-day sessions. Three Chairs of Excellence recipients will participate (Pr Patrice Nordmann, Pr Frédéric Frézard, Dr José-Carlos Valle-Casuso). The symposium will be inaugurated by Dr Claire Harpet, Dr Dophie Szopa, Pr Paul Leadley, Pr Elena Levashina.

Human, animal and environmental health are interconnected in a rapidly and intensely changing world. This symposium will join international scientists from different fields to share approaches and recently gained knowledge relative to the epistemic slogan "One Health" .

The symposium will cover various research fields, beginning with the major advances made in infectious diseases and keeping in mind technological ruptures and environmental constraints. Thus, during the symposium an accent will be placed on genome editing of pathogens, the studies by the IPCC* announcing the extent of global climate change in action and the dynamics of environmental modifications linked to human activity (Anthropocene or Domesticocene). The impact of infectious diseases will be placed in the forefront as a sign or a symptom of a global disruption in progress. In particular we will look at the geneology of One Health: How was the issue framed and by whom? The symposium will also illustrate the socio-economic dimension of global changes on infectious diseases, a fundamental dimension to underline the constraints and differentiate the deep causes from the visible signs that affect our worlds. We will also reflect on the methods and tools that make One Health operational, arguing for a less asymmetrical vision of the types of knowledge (scientific, local, non-human) and more contextualized recommendations of global health. The symposium will end by a round-table discussion on the actions to promote: (i) a pertinent apprehension of the risks for the emergence and remergence of infectious agents, (ii) a better prevention and control of epidemies.

Join us for a stimulating discussion on the way to promote health and attenuate the risks associated with infectious diseases.

Registrations are free of charge but mandatory via the web site.

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr