Our research

Four main areas of multidisciplinary research in Animal Sciences

The multi-disciplinary research developed in SAPS is based on fundamental knowledge bases in 4 major areas:

⚙ animal genetics, genomics and epigenetics ;
⚙ biology of reproduction, development and cellular differentiation ;
⚙ animal and human health; Immunology, infectiology, virology ;
⚙ computational biology combining mathematical modeling, computer programming, statistics and artificial intelligence.
Graphique SAPS 2023

Research into the fundamental mechanisms of life and the major functions of the animal kingdom, as well as the analysis of associated data, are grouped into two cross-disciplinary areas:

  • Area 1: Functional organization and regulation of genome expression.
  • Area 2: Computational biology and modeling of complex biological systems.

The knowledge and methods acquired in these areas contribute to meeting two major societal challenges: the agro-ecological transition of livestock farming and the implementation of the "One Health" concept, the latter defining two more operational areas:

  • Area 3: Livestock systems and healthy, sustainable food.
  • Area 4: Interactions between organisms, ecosystems and the environment.

Modification date: 16 July 2024 | Publication date: 17 April 2020 | By: P. Huan