Laboratories and experimental facilities

Presentation of research laboratories and experimental facilities

Created in 2015, SAPS federates 7 research units, 2 experimental units, 1 joint service unit, 2 technological core facilities and 6 technical platforms all under the joint supervision of the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), AgroParisTech and the National Agency for Food, Environment and Work security (ANSES) and Federation Nationale des Courses Hippiques (FNCH).

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In this folder

This joint research unit on Reproductive, Environmental, Epigenetic and Developmental Biology (BREED) studies the effects of the environment on the reproduction, development during embryo and fetal life and the health of descendants. Scientists and hospital and veterinary clinicians work together on agronomy and biomedical research. The scientific objective is to understand and control epigenetic programming mechanisms during the prenatal life leading to the birth of an individual in good health, fertile and robust, capable of adapting to changing environmental conditions.
The Joint Research Unit for Molecular Biology and Parasite Immunology (BIPAR JRU) was established in 1999. Since January 2021, the unit is led by Sara Moutailler, PhD, HDR (Unit Head, Research Scientist Project Leader), Delphine Le Roux, PhD (deputy Unit Head, EnvA research professor). Grégory Karadjian,PhD, HDR (Deputy Unit Head, ANSES Research Project Leader).
GABI's research is aimed at understanding and using the genetic variability of animals to analyse how phenotypes are built, their interactions with microbial ecosystems and the environment as a whole, all within a context of agroecological transitions.
The objective of MoSAR is to understand, characterize and predict the relations between farm animals and their food environment in order to develop tools that increase the efficacy of us of food resources by optimizing performance, adaptive capacity and wellbeing. The efficacy that we seek is to increase long-term efficiency that includes not only vital functions but also contributes to productivity but also animal longevity.
The VIM joint research unit studies pathogenic agents that affect human and animal health: respiratory viruses (influenza, human and bovine respiratory syncytial virus, Porcine Dysgenic and Respiratory Syndrome), pathogenic fish viruses and bacteria, prions (scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), and host responses induced by pathogenic agents.
The bacterial zoonoses is part of the Animal Health Laboratory of Anses, located on the National Veterinary School campus at Alfort (ENVA). This laboratory, created in 1901, was the first laboratory to fight against infectious and contagious animal diseases. Today it continues to benefit from an international reputation and to carry out crucial missions for France and Europe in terms of animal and public health.
The laboratory's activities are focused on animal virus diseases responsible for epizootics or zoonotic and/or emerging risks that are a threat to food safety and human and animal health (example: hepatitis E).
The experimental unit, IERP, is a unique structure (experimental aquaculture) in France and rare in Europe whose main activity is animal experimental on model animals (Rodents and Fish) in infectiology, a field of the study of bacterial, viral and prion infectious diseases. Their work involves participating in the study if infectious diseases with and for all those who work in the following fields: baceriology, virology, microbiology, immunology, vaccinology ...
The missions entrusted to SAJ are twofold: provide animals of quality, corresponding to the scientific need as part of research on embryo and fetal development, animal behavior and the development of vaccination strategies; and to provide diets for INRAE laboratory research by realizing, when needed, specific diets.

Modification date: 06 September 2024 | Publication date: 16 April 2020 | By: P. Huan