
Sciences of Animals at Jouy

The missions entrusted to SAJ are twofold: provide animals of quality, corresponding to the scientific need as part of research on embryo and fetal development, animal behavior and the development of vaccination strategies; and to provide diets for INRAE laboratory research by realizing, when needed, specific diets.


As part of its "animal experimentation" activities, UE SAJ produces experimental models at given physiological stages or for studies of human pathologies, provides biological materials such as oocytes, ovaries, embryos, fetuses, cells and animal tissues either from live animals or after euthanasia. UE SAJ maintains "precious" animals such as transgenic, immunized or operated animals. They ensure technical services on the animals including unique ultrasound methods.

Three species are available: rabbits, sheep, goats. As part of its "personnalized feeds" production activity, UE SAJ prepares specific experimental diets and in small quantities for research laboratories at INRAE by performing, on demand and reliably (incorporation of micro-quantities), diets (studies of deficiency or toxicity for example).


  • Buildings that house animals and experiments       
  • Custom feed laboratory for production of feeds for experimentation
  • Autopsy center       
  • Ultrasound materials (rabbits, small ruminants)

Tutelage: INRAE
Divisions: Animal Health, Human Nutrition
Species / Models: Conventional rabbit breeding, small ruminant confined pens

Modification date: 22 January 2024 | Publication date: 17 April 2020 | By: P. Huan