
Sciences of Animals at Jouy

SAJ's mission is to provide quality animals at given physiological stages, and animal experimentation services corresponding to scientific demand, in particular for research focused on reproduction, embryonic and fetal development, physiology and animal behavior. It provides technical services on animals, including unique ultrasound methods. Three species are available: rabbit, sheep and goat.


- Animal housing and experimental buildings: Rabbitry, Sheepfold and Autopsy Center
- Ultrasound equipment (rabbits, small ruminants)


- Breeding and experimentation monitoring,
- Breeding and artificial insemination,
- Assistance with embryo collection and transfer,
- Diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy by palpation and ultrasound,
- Sexing, counting and fetal measurements by ultrasound,
- Surgery preparation and post-operative follow-up,
- Tissue and biological sampling,
- Production of experimental models at precise physiological stages,
- Supply of custom animals for studies of human pathologies.

Supervisors: INRAE
Department : PHASE