Systemic Modelling Applied to Ruminants

The objective of MoSAR is to understand, characterize and predict the relations between farm animals and their food environment in order to develop tools that increase the efficacy of us of food resources by optimizing performance, adaptive capacity and wellbeing. The efficacy that we seek is to increase long-term efficiency that includes not only vital functions but also contributes to productivity but also animal longevity.


The unit leads research studies in animal nutrition, animal behavior, rumen physiology, energy metabolism and modeling around a common research objective: description and quantification of processus of feed resource acquisition and use of these resources for production and vital functions. Thus MoSAR is interested in particular in the two following fields:

• Acquisition of food resources: this includes pre-ingestion behavior, post-ingestion processes of digestion, and the study of interactions between these elements to characterize their impact on the digestive efficiency and rumen robustness.

• Allocation of food resources: for this, the regulation of nutrition partitioning between different functions to characterize the following: allocation over time, the impact of the environment on allocation, and the interaction between the dynamics and environment to predict the resilience of the animal and its long-term efficiency.

Research Teams

  •  One research team including 34 employees including 16 scientists:5 fields of expertise: animal nutrition, animal behavior, rumen physiology, lipid metabolism, modeling.

Tutelage: INRAE - AgroParisTech - Université Paris Sud Paris 11

Affiliation: Université Paris sud (Life Sciences), INRAE (Department PHASE), AgroParisTech (Life Sciences and Health)

Doctoral School : ABIES (ED581)

Modification date: 09 November 2023 | Publication date: 17 April 2020 | By: P. Huan