
Molecular Virology and Immunology

The VIM joint research unit studies pathogenic agents that affect human and animal health: respiratory viruses (influenza, human and bovine respiratory syncytial virus, Porcine Dysgenic and Respiratory Syndrome), pathogenic fish viruses and bacteria, prions (scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), and host responses induced by pathogenic agents.


We seek to understand and describe replication and multiplication strategies of pathogenic agents and the response to host infection in pigs, ruminants, trout, and model species (rodents, zebra fish):

  • Structure and expression of pathogen genomes
  • Structure-function relations of viral proteins, prions and their macro-molecular complexes
  • Virulence/pathogenicity factors and adaptation/escape mechanisms as responses to the host
  • Plasticity of host responses throughout evolution and during development
  • Strategies in the fight against pathogens

Research Team

  •     Influenza Virus (FLU)
  •     Molecular Virology of Fish (VMP)
  •     Molecular bioogy of Pneumoviruses (BMP)
  •     Macro-Assembly of Proteins and Prion Diseases (MAP²)
  •     Infection and Immunity of Fish (IIP)
  •     Virus Vaccins and Immunopathology (V2I)

Tutelage: INRAE-UVSQ-Université Paris-Saclay
Affiliation : Université Paris-Saclay (GS Biosphera), INRAE (Animal Health Department)
Doctoral School : ABIES (ED581), BIOSIGNE (ED419), SDSV (ED577)

Modification date: 09 November 2023 | Publication date: 17 April 2020 | By: P. Huan