RIME Training Session

Training session on applications Correlative Microscopy on cell biology of the RIME network

A training session (ANF CNRS) is organized by the RIME network at the end of September on Applications of correlative microscopy in cell biology at Jouy-en-Josas.

Correlative Microscopy is a state-of-the-art technique that is widely being developed. It is an approach that joins optical and elecronic microscopy knowledge, providing information for a large public.

CLEM practical training sessions are few and costly. This training session is open to CNRS and INRAE members.

For more information contact:

  • Mme Marie-Laure Faugier : Marie-Laure.FAUGIER@cnrs.fr
  • Mme Astrid Appert : Astrid.APPERT@cnrs.fr
  • Mme Christine Longin : christine.longin@inrae.fr
  • Mme Claire Boulogne : Claire.BOULOGNE@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr