SAPS Scientific Seminars

SAPS Scientific Seminars

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27 April 2020

Lecture Hall building 440, INRAE Jouy-en-Josas & Webinar

Seminar "Animal Models for Organ Transplantation"

A one-day seminar on organ transplants by the VIM and BREED Units in partnership with the University Chair of Transplantation, Foch Hospital.

14 September 2020

Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, UFR Santé Simone Veil, Saint Quentin en Yvelines)

Global Health Seminar and arising risks. Impact of climate and anthropic changes

The objective of this seminar is to treat the health challenges associated with arising risks generated by climate and anthropic changes by decompartmentalizing disciplinary approaches. Experts will speak on climate, the consequences of global changes and the urgency of finding ways to act.
This first scientific seminar on the Flagship project #3 was aimed at presenting successful projects or those underway, coordinated by scientists from SAPS units, at all different stages of their development and implementation.
The SAPS scientific seminar for the Flagship Project #4 was held on February 12, 2019 at INRAE IdF-Jouy-en-Josas research center.
Through shared presentations of science at SAPS, the participants built a roadmap for the coming years.
As part of the stimulating context of the creation of the Université Paris-Saclay, seven INRAE research units from the southern part of the Ile-de-France region, in partnership with AgroParisTech, l'Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort (ENVA), Anses and three core facilities have joined forces as the Institut Sciences Animales Paris-Saclay.

Modification date: 10 November 2023 | Publication date: 29 June 2020 | By: SAPs - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams