Heatmap d'expression des clonotypes les plus partagés chez les poissons immunisés
Publication Journal of Immun, Castro R. & al (VIM)

Comparison of clonotypic IgH repertoires in the pronephros and spleen of a Teleost fish upon sytemic viral infection

In fish that are deprived of lymph nodes, the kinetics and location of B responses are poorly characterized. The pronephros is the site of differentiation of B cells and the niche where plasmocytes persist. In a study implicating several partners that was published in the Journal of Immunology, scientists from the Molecular Virology and Immunology Unit – VIM (INRAE/UVSQ/UPSaclay, Jouy-en-Josas) analyzed the IgHμ repertoire of rainbow trout in this tissue after primary immunization and a boost with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV).

A barcoded 5' RACE sequencing approach used to characterize modifications of the complete IgHμ repertoire, giving access to the use of VH in the expressed V(D)J rearrangements and clonal diversity. Viral infection led to important modifications in B cells of the pronephros, implicating several VH subgroups after primary infection. Modest changes persisted five months later, leading to "public" clonal expansions (cad shared by all individuals). the public IgM response implicating the genes ighv1-18 and ighj5, described previously in the spleen, was also observed in the pronephros of the infected fish. However, distribution of the most frequent clonotypes showed that the B cells of the pronephros and the spleen make up distinct compartments. Interestingly, after the boost, the frequency of the anti-VHSV clonotypes decreased in both the pronephros and the spleen, raising new questions on the circulation of B cells.

A better monitoring of B cell response kinetics in lympohoid tissues will be an essential step to understanding B memory an plasmocyte formation mechanisms in fish.

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Clonotypic IgH Response against Systemic Viral infection in Pronephros and Spleen of a Teleost Fish
Rosario Castro, Susana Magadán, Luc Jouneau, Vanessa Mhana, Hang-Phuong Pham, Encarnita Mariotti-Ferrandiz, Adrien Six, François Huetz and Pierre Boudinot
J Immunol June 1, 2022, 208 (11) 2573-2582; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.2200088

Modification date: 02 November 2023 | Publication date: 14 June 2022 | By: SAPS - Edition P. Huan - Tranlations W. Brand-Williams