European Placenta Group – IFPA meeting

18e European Placenta Group (EPG), November 23rd - 25th, INRAE Jouy-en-Josas

The 18th European Placenta Group (EPG) meeting will take place both online and in person in Jouy en Josas, France, jointly as a regional meeting for the International Federation of Placental Associations. EPG gathers scientists working on all aspects of mammalian placentas, in humans and animals.

The program will include as major topics:

  • Placental development, in vitro/ex-vivo placental models,
  • placental physiology and placental dysfunction in humans and animals, based on submitted abstracts.

Based on abstract submission and/or presentation, IFPA prizes will be awarded to Early Stage Researchers (any stage researcher up 3 years post-PhD).

Registration fees :

  • Free for EPG members
    50€ for non-EPG members

Call for abstracts – deadline 15th of September

Sponsored by :


INRAE PHASE and ALIMH Departments  


University Paris-Saclay Biosphera Graduate school 

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Modification date: 02 November 2023 | Publication date: 23 June 2022 | By: SAPS - Edition P. Huan