Sciences Animales Paris-Saclay
Publication Scientific Reports, Borey M. & al.

The composition of the caecal microbiota of laying hens infected with IBV varies according to genetic lineage and vaccination status

Vaccination of livestock is one of the most effective ways to prevent infectious diseases. The links between vaccine response and variations in the gut microbiota are poorly studied, yet the latter plays a considerable role in the regulation of immunity. In addition, it has been established that genetic variations in hens can influence the composition of the microbiota and the vaccine response.

In an exploratory study published in Scientific Reports, researchers from the Genetics, Microbiota, Health (GeMS) team and their collaborators at the University of Aarhus in Denmark investigated correlations between caecal microbiota composition and immune parameters in six genetic lines of laying hens infected with infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Half of the animals had been vaccinated against IBV.

The microbiota of vaccinated and unvaccinated animals were different after infection. Furthermore, the composition of the microbiota varies according to the genetic lineage, whether the animals are vaccinated or not. Finally, variations in various immune parameters are associated with those of the caecal microbiota, with an effect depending on the lineage and the vaccination status. Thus the abundance of Escherichia Shigella bacteria is associated with the expression of TCRϒδ+ receptors on TCRϒδ+ T cells.

These results thus show a complex interaction between microbiota composition and immune parameters in the context of IBV infection, having a likely effect on the level of vaccine response and varying according to genetic lineage.


See also

Borey M, Bed’Hom B, Bruneau N, Estellé J, Larsen F, Blanc F, Pinard-van der Laan M-H, Dalgaard T, Calenge F. 2022. Caecal microbiota composition of experimental inbred MHC-B lines infected with IBV differs according to genetics and vaccination. Scientific report 

Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 22 July 2022 | By: GABI - Edition P. Huan