2021 National Science Fair

2021 National Science Fair – SAPS scientists adapt! 2021 Virtual Edition

The 2021 edition to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the National Science Faire will not be celebrated exactly as was planned; it will once again be a virtual edition due to the current sanitary situation. But the scientists and engineers from GABI and VIM units from INRAE, members of Sciences Animales Paris Saclay of the University Paris-Saclay remain motivated! Beginning on October 1st, you will discover different activities and a mini-conference on-line.

An animated quizz, "L’habitat dans la peau (The environment fits like a glove)": Fish colonize a large diversity of environments. But how can you recognize who lives where?  All audiences
An animated quizz, "Petit poisson deviendra grand (Small fish will grow)": knowledge of ways fish reproduce will help man better understand how aquatic ecosystems work as well as the effects of our activities on the environment. Aquatic environments are full of fish with different reproduction mechanisms (but also different appearances). Can you identify fish from the same species but different sex? Or the type of reproduction associated with each fish? All audiences
An animated quizz, "Les dents de la rivière (River Teeth)": Fish diets are diverse in both oceans and rivers. Some are carnivores and others are omnivores or herbivores. Can you identify what diet a fish has by just looking at its morphology and its teeth? All audiences
An animated quizz, "Mimétisme : les maîtres de l’illusion (Mimicking: masters of illusions)": Some species have evolved by arming themselves with powerful venoms that target the vital functions of their prey or predators. But when the right venom recipe is missing, why not just try to pretend? Discover these impostors that try to become someone else. All audiences
An animated quizz, "Farm animals and their microorganisms: allies for health)": Farm animals permanently house many microorganisms which are for the most part inoffensive, and even beneficial for their health. All animals do not have the same microorganisms, and all do not have the same aptitudes. All audiences
An activity, "La vache ! Quelle histoire ! (The cow! What history!)": For thousand of years humans have been raising and selecting cattle. Discover how, over recent decades, technical and scientific progress has enabled us to select cattle for many different types of characters including their health, welfare and soon their impact on the environment. And discover why genetic diversity is necessary, even for farm animals! Informed audience
An animated quizz: "La diversité des lactations (Diversity of lactations)": Lactation and breast-feeding of the young is a characteristic of mammals. The milk produced by specialized glands, the mammary glands, that protect and nourrish the young and ensure their attachment via contact during lactation. This quiz will allow you to explore the different examples of lactations: indeed, there is not one milk but many milks depending on the age of the young or species. All audiences
A mini-conference: "Hamsters et perte d’odorat liée à la COVID-19 (Hamsters and odor loss with COVID-19)": Nearly 60% of patients with COVID-19 lose their sense of smell, however, the origin of this anosmia is poorly understood. The Hamster model gives some answers! Informed audiences

See also

> And on the Village Paris-Saclay web site, much more to be seen! To obtain the link, visit the web site on October 1st https://le-village-des-sciences-paris-saclay.fr/
> And to find out more about INRAE's visits, visit the web site: https://www.inrae.fr/evenements/fete-science-2021-programme-inrae
> And the national program: https://www.fetedelascience.fr/

Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 16 September 2021 | By: SAPS - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams